TB beneficiaries’ letter-message has been signed and will be forwarded to N. Pashinyan- Prime Minister of RA
On 22 of August, 2018 at the National Tuberculosis (TB) Center of Ministry of Health of RA representatives of “Positive People Armenian Network” social NGO conducted an exceptional meeting with TB patients who were in hospital for treatment. The recruiting of the participants was carried out by Arman Avchyan, who already has been providing peer counselor service at NTC for several months. At the targeted meetings the involvement of patients who are still in treatment period at hospitals is of highly importante for the NGO’s working schedule as only synergistically-based work has high efficiency and ensures the continuity of patient care. It should be noted that the place of the meeting was not unequivocally accepted by the medical staff of the center. There were obstacles, difficulties, and arguments due to which the gathering of patients at NTC hall is not acceptable as the hall used to serve only for administrative staff. Although within the short period of time there were established collaborative model of work, mutual trust and responsibility among acting director of the Center Sh. Grigoryan and the NGO staff which gave the opportunity to solve issue and conduct a planned meeting. Refer to A. Avchyan’s advisory/support activities the attendees were briefly informed about the activities of the NGO. Based on the already existing database the President of the NGO A. Harutyunyan presented in details the functions of the NGO, the formats of the implemented and provided services, the current programs, registered results and further plans. Her speech was continued by Arman Avchyan, who more fully reflected on the peer consular service providing tasks. Why It’s Important to have Service? how it is done? What expectations and registered results are available? Here there was also an accentuates on the mechanisms of voicing the existing problems of the field and the importance for activism.
Arman Avchyan (Peer Counselor of NGO) is speaking about Peer counselor service.
In Armenia, research and treatment for TB till 2021 year is free of any charge. But what will be after 2021 when the Global fund will leave the country? Will the country take over fully financing of TB patients’ needs or it will be partly? A significant role in ensuring the availability of TB treatment in the country can play special session of UN General Assembly high-level meeting on ending TB.
Heads of State will gather in New York on 26 September, 2018 at the United Nations General Assembly first-ever high-level meeting on tuberculosis (TB) to accelerate efforts in ending TB and reach all affected people with prevention and care. The theme of the meeting is “United to end tuberculosis: an urgent global response to a global epidemic”. The high-level meeting on TB is a tremendous and unprecedented step forward by governments and all partners engaged in the fight against TB. The high-level meeting should result in an ambitious Political Declaration on TB endorsed by Heads of State that will strengthen action and investments for the end TB response, saving millions of lives.
The information concerning the upcoming event was presented by A. Galstyan who deal with PR office of the NGO. Ending tuberculosis by 2030 is one of the 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals aim to end tuberculosis (TB) related deaths, transmission and catastrophic costs by 2030.
The TB beneficiaries are informed about thematic discussions of the United Nations General Assembly first-ever high-level meeting on tuberculosis
In such situations the factor of civil society is important in order to voicing the issue’s importance, advocating for having fully participation of State bodies in the event. In this reason on behalf of HIV/TB patients NGO representatives had prepared a letter addressed to Nikol Pashinyan-the newly elected Prime Minister of
RA, which was voiced during the meeting with the TB beneficiaries. The letter also highlighted the importance of Prime Minister’s participation in Political Declaration on TB session which will endorsed by Heads of State that will strengthen action and investments for the end TB. There was also request concerning appointment of the meeting with the prime Minister in near future. TB patients confirmed their concurrence with the content of the letter and signed it. The document signed by beneficiaries will be forwarded to the Prime Minister by the NGO representatives and the updates/further developments will be sent to participants.
Harutyunyan (NGO President) read the letter on behalf of the TB beneficiaries which will be sent to the prime minister of RA
Regular meeting with TB beneficiaries ended with the watch of 2 PSAs which had created by the NGO initiative about early detection of TB and stigma/discrimination issues.During the review, it was very touching to see beneficiaries’ behaviors, tears, emotions …
Once again, we were convinced that our done and upcoming work in the field of TB originated from the needs of beneficiaries and were aimed at satisfaction these needs.
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