Micro elimination program for hepatitis C 2019-2021

From September 2019 to July 2021, PPAN NGO with the support of the World Hepatitis Alliance is implementing micro elimination program for hepatitis C.

Within the framework of the project adaptation works will be carried out in terms of introducing combination testing mechanisms against hepatitis C, there will be also targeted meetings with partner organizations, media campaigns during European Testing Week 2019 and World Hepatitis Day 2020, awareness-raising meetings with NGOs working with people living with HIV and IDUs.

In order to make the diagnostic tests free of charge for the patients included in the targeted groups NGO will negotiate with MOH and NCDC of RA. At the end of the project a press conference will be conduct together with the representatives of the cooperating institutions.

The beneficiaries of the program are people living with HIV who have been diagnosed with hepatitis C.

Collaborating structures: Ministry of Health of RA, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Republican Center for AIDS Prevention, “Nork” infectious clinical hospital, CCM Secretariat, NGOs working with people living with HIV and IDUs.

The idea of the movie and the copyright belong to ”Positive People Armenian Network” Social NGO. The movie was developed within the media activities on European Testing week 2019 which focused on the importance of integrated/combined testing and early detection of the viruses.  The hero of the movie works at PPAN NGO as a peer counselor. His story as a person who is living with HIV-TB-Hep C and combating stigma/discrimination issues will help others to overcome fears and get tested as ASAP.

The message of the movie: Find the Missing Millions!



On December 18 of 2019 within the framework of the micro-elimination program of hepatitis C implemented with the support of the World Hepatitis Alliance the staff of PPAN NGO met with Hasmik Ghazinyan (the Chief Hepatologist of the Republic of Armenia). During the meeting the participants discussed the work plan of the Hepatitis C micro-elimination program, the research possibilities and treatment availability of Hepatitis C in the Republic of Armenia. More >>>







The copyright of the movie belongs to ”Positive People Armenian Network” Social NGO. The movie was developed within the media campaign on World Hepatitis Day 2021.

The message of the movie: Hepatitis Can’t Wait